• Reminder
Honeysuckle is cold in nature and is not suitable for long-term drinking. It is only suitable for temporary drinking in hot summer to prevent and treat dysentery. Although it has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxifying, soothing the throat, relieving heat and relieving troubles. Long-term use can easily cause spleen and stomach deficiency, loss of appetite, and even abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc. It is not suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach (frequent abdominal pain, cold abdomen, cold hands and feet), and those with weak and cold constitutions and cannot drink it during menstruation.
Honeysuckle is cold in nature and should not be taken excessively. Taking a large amount at one time will cause gastrointestinal discomfort. People with weak and cold constitutions cannot take it for a long time to avoid increasing the burden on the spleen and stomach.
• 金银花药性偏寒、不适合长期饮用、仅适合在炎热的夏季暂时饮用以防治痢疾。虽具有清热解毒、疏利咽喉、消暑除烦的作用,但不适合长期饮用、过量饮用金银花会有副作用、长期服用容易引起脾胃虚寒、食欲下降、甚至引起腹痛、腹泻等。 不适合脾胃虚寒(经常腹痛、腹部发凉、手脚发凉)者、且虚寒体质及月经期内不能饮用。
• 金银花性寒,不能过量服用、一次性大量服用会导致胃肠道出现不适;虚寒体质的人群不能长期服用、避免增加脾胃的负担。
【保存方法】 阴凉干燥处、建议冷藏保存。保质期 1年。